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Prayer Calendar SEPTEMBER 2024

Sunday, September 1  Pray for our staff and students as they minister in local churches here in the Rio Grande Valley. May the Lord use them for His glory and the encouragement of believers.

I Corinthians 12

Monday, September 2  We trust that the Labor Day holiday will be enjoyed by the students and staff as they take a break from normal duties. Remember the new students as they continue adapting to this new environment.

I Corinthians 13

Tuesday, September 3  Mike and Lori Cassel (MLS’05), in Guatemala, will appreciate prayers for Lori, who is receiving treatment for dementia. God has blessed their ministry, and they are looking to the Lord for the future.

I Corinthians 14:1-20

Wednesday, September 4  Odette Calleja (SB’16) serves in our Accounting area and as a DSO (Designated School Official), working with students’ immigration matters. Please pray for wisdom for her today in these important areas of the ministry.

I Corinthians 14:21-40

Thursday, September 5  Our president, Larry Windle, and Ruth (both MLS’97) will appreciate your prayers as they continue to lead the multifaceted ministries at Rio Grande Bible. Ask for wisdom as they look to the Lord for guidance.

I Corinthians 15:1-28

Friday, September 6  Alan and Phyllis Brown welcome prayers as they interact with the students and other faculty. Ask God to bless and use them as they make themselves available to Him.

I Corinthians 15:29-58

Saturday, September 7  Remember our married students in prayer today as they take a break from homework to spend time with their spouses and children. Also, ask God to guide them regarding future service.

I Corinthians 16

Sunday, September 8  Tim and Debbie Blycker share their music talents in chapel services, and Tim also teaches Bible classes. Pray for them as they serve the Lord and interact with the students.

II Corinthians 1

Monday, September 9  Boris (SB’95) and Tete (Suárez, SB’96) Alfaro, in Salem, Oregon, will appreciate prayers for their ministry in a church there. Ask God to continue using them to bring people to Christ and to disciple them.  

II Corinthians 2

Tuesday, September 10  Pray for the various scheduled meetings of the staff, faculty, and other leaders at RGBM. Ask God to lead in the discussions and guide when decisions need to be made that will affect other staff and the student body.

II Corinthians 3

Wednesday, September 11  Jonathan and Blair Blycker joined the staff at RGBM recently. Please remember them in prayer as they serve the Lord here. Jonathan ministers in the music department.

II Corinthians 4

Thursday, September 12  Pray for Emmanuel and Kauzy Lara (SB’16) as they and his parents serve together in Quebec, Canada, among native Canadians and Latino short-term workers. Also pray for their two teenagers, who have adapted well to doing all their studies in French.

II Corinthians 5

Friday, September 13  Please continue praying for our staff members who are outside the country, awaiting the updates of their papers so they may return to their ministries here. May the Lord give them peace as they look to Him.

II Corinthians 6

Saturday, September 14  Pray for our faculty members who are currently studying for advanced degrees. Doctoral degrees are required for those who teach in the new Master’s program. May the Lord give them perseverance as they study.

II Corinthians 7

Sunday, September 15  Remember in prayer Miguel (SB’22) and Aylin Bastias, new staff members. Miguel is the chaplain for the online students, and Aylin is studying in the Bible College. Ask God’s blessing as they continue to adapt to their new environment.

II Corinthians 8

Monday, September 16  Noel Ascencio (SB’93) appreciates our prayers as he continues his children’s ministry in various Latin American countries. May the Lord bless and use him to bring many to faith in Jesus. Pray also for his family in Mexico.

II Corinthians 9

Tuesday, September 17  Remember in prayer Azalea Arreola (SB’19) as she serves in Radio Esperanza as Director of Personnel. May the Lord bless and use her for His glory as she ministers as part of the team.

II Corinthians 10

Wednesday, September 18  Remember in prayer those of our Winter Volunteers who had health problems when they were here last winter season. May the Lord encourage each one and bring many of them back to us this winter.

II Corinthians 11:1-15

Thursday, September 19  Please pray for our Board members as they meet today and tomorrow. Ask the Lord to guide them specifically regarding the matters they are discussing at this time. We thank them for their faithful service.

II Corinthians 11:16-33

Friday, September 20  David Santos, husband of Esmelda (Amarante, SB’06),  pastors a church in a multi-cultural area in Nebraska. Pray for this couple as they seek to be witnesses of God’s grace in their community and to train their children to love Him.

II Corinthians 12

Saturday, September 21  Mario and Irene (SB’16) Alvarez are part of the Radio Esperanza staff. Thank the Lord for their contribution to this important ministry and ask His blessing on them today.

II Corinthians 13

Sunday, September 22  Pray for Donna Antoniuk, who has been our head librarian for several years. Ask God to continue using her as she leads the other staff and volunteers. She recently added writing the Campus News section of our magazine.

Galatians 1

Monday, September 23  Jules and Andy Alvarez (SB’20) are on the staff at Radio Esperanza. Thank the Lord for their service and ask Him to use them in the lives of all with whom they interact today.

Galatians 2

Tuesday, September 24  Ask God for His will for those who are considering coming to the Rio Grande Valley in the next few months to serve at Bibleville or on our campus. May the Lord lead each one to the place He has prepared for them.

Galatians 3

Wednesday, September 25  Pray today for our chef, Jonathan Almblad, as he prepares meals for the students and others who eat in the dining hall. Thank the Lord for his faithful service for many years.

Galatians 4

Thursday, September 26  Pray for the parents and other family members of our new students. For some, this is the first time their young people are so far away from home. Pray for the Holy Spirit to do His work in their lives as well.

Galatians 5

Friday, September 27  Bob Allen lives in another state but continues his service on our staff as director of Ministerial Advancement. Ask God’s blessing on his wife, Kari, and on Bob as he contacts friends of RGBM.

Galatians 6

Saturday, September 28  Remember in prayer staff members Abisai (SB’11) and Julie (Kracht, MLS’05) Ahumada. Julie is the Assistant to the President, and Abi is part of Radio Esperanza and also ministers at their local church.

Ephesians 1

Sunday, September 29  Pascual (SB’09) and Brenda (’08) Aguilar will appreciate your prayers. Pascual is Director of Campus Services. Brenda coordinates the apartments, is in charge of the student bodega (storeroom), and also of the Boutique (used clothing store) in the summertime.

Ephesians 2

Monday, September 30  Bob Abromowitz joined our staff a few years ago as a painter. Thank the Lord for bringing him here, and ask God to bless him as he gives a new coat of paint to many of the campus buildings.

Ephesians 3